Please follow the below instructions to "Sign up/Sign in to Court Reminders"
New User:
Under New User, choose how you would like to be notified. Select Mobile/Email/Both.
*Note:If you have selected mobile and email, both should be verified.
Please provide your Mobile Number/Email to register for the service and then click on the Register & Send Code.
You will receive a code via text message/email. Enter this code to complete the verification process.
On Verification, you will be able to subscribe to receive notifications on case hearings by providing the case number.
Returning User:
Under Sign In:
Please provide your Mobile Number/Email using which you have subscribed earlier and then click on the Send Code button
You will receive a code via text message/email. Enter this code to complete the verification process
On Verification, you will be able to view the hearing dates of cases you have subscribed for and add/manage cases you would like to receive notifications for.
Unable to save the request.It could be because the phone number is already used. If it is yours, please use the "Already Subscribed" option and try again.
Unable to save the request.It could be because the email address is already used. If it is yours, please use the "Already Subscribed" option and try again.
The Phone number provided cannot be found. Please check the number and try again.
The email address provided cannot be found. Please check the address and try again.
Codes do not match! Please enter the correct code.