The Third Judicial Circuit is hiring attorneys to be on the Assigned House Counsel list for the Court’s Family – Domestic Division. Applications from interested attorneys in Michigan will be accepted starting January 1 through March 31, 2025.
As an attorney representing defendants in various Family Domestic and Friend of Court proceedings, applicants should be familiar with forms that are used for the motions required to properly advise their clients. They must also be familiar with Personal Protection Orders and civil contempt proceedings relating to enforcement of child support, parenting time, and health insurance coverage.
Applicants must:
- Be in good standing with the Michigan State Bar
- Have completed the necessary Michigan Indigent Defense Commission certification requirements, which can be found at
- Attend required Third Circuit Court training in 2025 for certification purposes
- Show proof of malpractice insurance
- Complete a required attorney profile form
- Be familiar with processes and guidelines
To ensure that defendants in domestic cases before the Court receive high-standard legal representation, the Family Division – Domestic House Counsel Committee meets annually to review documents, processes and compliance standards.
Please download or print the requirements and application.
Once completed, the application and other required documents should be mailed or hand delivered to Case Processing, 2 Woodward Ave. 770 CAYMC, Detroit, MI 48226. They can also be emailed to For more information call 313-224-8724.