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FD-FOC 4113 Attorney Access to FOC File Form
FD-FOC 4008 Financial Information Form
Video Conferencing Procedure for William Dickerson Facility
Video Conferencing Procedure for State Appellate Defender's Office (SADO)
Memo - Crime Victim Assessment and Minimum State Cost Changes
FD-FOC 4019 Notice of Hearing - Generic
FD-FOC 4020 Certificate of Mailing Regarding Motion and Notice of Hearing
Ex Parte Certificate of Conformity
Notice Regarding Video Conferencing
2012 Wayne County Child Support Report
UCCJEA FORM 1 Request (petition) for Determination
UCCJEA FORM 2 Notice of Deficiency
DCH-0839 - Notice of Order of Filiation
McKinney Vento Revisions-MDE-8-2013
Strategic Plan
Summer Youth Employment Guidance 2014
Summer Youth Employment 2014 Wayne County-Flyer
ETV Complete Application Packet
Tip FactSheet-2013-2014
Uninterrupted Scholars Act
Pathways to Potential 3-26-14
SSG Newsletter - February 2014
Legal Updates Powerpoint 3-26-14
Agenda- Mandatory Attorney Training 3-26-14
DHS College Campus Based Support Programs
FAFSA Form Now A Prompt For Foster Youth Assistance-3-2014
Statistics- Educational Planning Youth County Data July 2013
Student Loan Forms Are Still A Nightmare-3-2014
Third Circuit Court-Legal Updates 2014
DHS Community Presentations 3-27-2014
FD-FOC 4140 Wayne County Make-Up Parenting Time Policy
Business Court Verification and Assignment Form MRJ
Memo to Contractors Regarding Payment Schedule
Notice Regarding Judgment Fees
DHS 1201D Application for IV-D Services
Direct Deposit Enrollment Form for Court Contractors and Vendors Only
Claim of Appeal on Application for Concealed Pistol License (CC 79)
Order Following Appeal on Application for Concealed Pistol License (CC 80)
Auto Neg Addendum to Scheduling Order
3CC MC12 Request and Writ for Garnishment - Proof of Service
3CC MC14 Garnishee Disclosure Form
3CC MC14 Garnishee Disclosure Garnishee Calculation Sheet
3CC MC48 Final Statement
Victim Information Sheet
3CC MC49 Objections to Garnishment
3CC MC50 Garnishment Release
FD-FOC 4129 Child Support Disclosure Form - Civil
FD-FOC 4128 Child Support Disclosure Form - Criminal
FD-FOC 4156 Tax Intercept - Injured Spouse Claim or Waiver Form
FD-FOC 4125 Reschedule Referee Motion Hearing Form
FD-FOC 4125 Reschedule Referee Motion Hearing Form
3CC MC12 Writ of Garnishment
Instructions and Petition for Restoration of Rights
FD-FOC 4572 Stipulation to Abate Support Based Upon Parties' Marriage
W9 Taxpayer ID and Certification
Complaint for Custody Due to Juvenile Proceedings
Complaint for Paternity Due to Juvenile Proceedings
Motion for Change in Custody Due to Juvenile Court Proceedings
Family Information Questionnaire
FOC102 Order Exempting Case from FOC Services
Fee Waiver Request
Fee Waiver Request
Certification of Initial Client Consultation
FD-FOC 4058 Incarcerated Party Special Instructions - MCR 2.004
FD-FOC 4144 Wayne County Parenting Plan-General Holiday and School Breaks Only
FD-FOC 4141 Wayne County Parenting Plan-General Parenting Time Plan
FD-FOC 4153 Wayne County Parenting Plan-Growth Works Supervised Parenting Time Plan
FD-FOC 4143 Wayne County Parenting Plan-Expanded Parenting Time
FD-FOC 4178 Objection to Case Establishment Recommendation
FD-FOC 4061 Req for Confidential Address-Notice to FOC Alt Address
FOC101 Advice of Rights Regarding Use of Friend of the Court Services
Service Voucher (BF103) - Instructions
FD-FOC 4045 Complaint for Health Care Expenses
FD-FOC 4134 UIFSA filing notice
FD-FOC 4064 Friend of the Court Handbook
FOC10d Uniform Child Support Order Deviation Addendum
Service Voucher (BF103) Ext
Certificate on Behalf of Plaintiff With Ex Parte Interim Order for Custody, Support, And-or-Parenting Time
Certificate on Behalf of Plaintiff Without Ex Parte Interim Order for Custody, Support, And-or-Parenting Time
MC 97a Addendum to Protected Personal Identifying Information
MC 97 Protected Personal Identifying Information
FOC 10 Uniform Child Support Order With FOC Services
FOC 10a Uniform Child Support Order, No FOC Services
FD-FOC 4145 PRAECIPE for Judge Hearings
FDFOC 4029 Objection to Ex Parte Order and Proof of Service
FD-FOC 4004 FOC Praecipe
FD-FOC 4101 Objection to FOC Recommendation
FDFOC 4022 Access to Records Packet
FOC 23 Verified Statement and DHS-1201D Appplication for IVD Services
FOC 1a Friend of the Court Grievance
MC 416 Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act Affidavit
CC 320 Domestic Relations Verified Financial Information Form
CC 320 Domestic Relations Verified Financial Information Form
FDFOC 4018 Motion to Change Custody
FDFOC 4035 Motion to Modify Child Support
FDFOC 4124 Motion for General Financial Issues
FDFOC 4030 Motion for a Referee Hearing
FDFOC 4031 Motion to Change Parenting Time
FDFOC 4200 Motion to Adjust Arrears Upon Completion of Payment Plan
FDFOC 4100 Motion for Payment Plan
FD-FOC 4033 Motion to Transfer Case to Another County
FD-FOC 4165 Motion for Change in Custody Due to Juvenile Court Proceeding
FD-FOC 4163 Complaint for Paternity Due to Juvenile Proceedings
FDFOC 4037 Generic Motion before Judge
FD-FOC 4164 Complaint for Custody Due to Juvenile Proceedings
FD-FOC 4041 Address and Demographic Change form
FD-FOC 4229 Friend of the Court Consent Hearing Information
JC 45 Notice of Hearing (Via ZOOM) (6-1-2020)
JC 22 Form-Final
2022 Non-Resident Tax Letter
FD-FOC 4096 Objections to Referee Recommendation and FD-FOC 4095 Attachment to RRO (Notice of Right to Judicial Hearing)
MC 21 Confidential Case Inventory (Domestic Relations and Juvenile Code)
MC 21 Confidential Case Inventory (Domestic Relations and Juvenile Code)
FDFOC 4052 Request for Parenting Time or Custody Enforcement
FDFOC 4246 Request for Child Support Enforcement
2024 Accounts Payable Pay Schedule
Collections Overview
2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Criminal Attorney Payment Inquiry Form
FOC 10b Uniform Spousal Support Order FOC Services
FOC 10c Uniform Spousal Support Order NO FOC Services
FOC100 Domestic Relations Judgment Information
FOC104 Request to Reopen Friend of the Court Case
MC20 Fee Waiver Request
MC02 Appearance Form
3CC-FOC-4021PW - Motion to Set Aside DS
3CC-FOC-4249W - Referee Hearing Schedule
3CC-COL-101CMW Payment Slips
3CC-COL-102CMW Client Inquiry
3CC-FOC-4038PW - Motion to Set Aside DP
Public Information Packet 2024
3CC-FOC-4132PW - FOC Informational Sheet
Criminal Predecessor List
Schedule of Attorney Fee Payments