PURSUANT TO MCR 8.110(3)(a) and (b), in consideration of the State of Emergency now existing in the State of Michigan, and pursuant to the authority to supervise caseload management and monitor disposition of the judicial work of the court, the Chief Judge of the Wayne County Circuit Court orders as follows:
- This Order applies only to the Civil Division and Business Court.
- Beginning March 24, 2020, until further order of the Court, the Wayne County Civil Division and Business Court judges shall work remotely.
- The Scheduling Order in every case is extended by 60 days from its current deadlines. There is no need to submit an order.
- All Trials, bench and jury, currently scheduled through April 30 are adjourned without an order. New dates will be scheduled after the division resumes full operations but no less than 60 days from the current trial date. Attorneys are directed to contact the assigned courtroom once the division resumes courtroom operations. Thereafter, where possible, please contact the courtroom staff by email.
- Business Court Status Conferences through April 30, 2020 are adjourned. Please contact the courtroom for direction and new dates after Business Court operations resume. The assigned judge will discuss whether an in person or telephonic status conference is appropriate for all conferences adjourned by this Order.
- Motion Call for the Civil Division and Business Court will resume May 1, 2020 subject to developments related to the Coronavirus. Attorneys are directed to refer to the Court website for the first available motion date for all courtrooms. Motions must be re-praeciped. Attorneys should refrain from filing motions for adjournments or discovery disputes while the division is closed (expecting them to be heard after the division re-opens) as it will place an excessive burden on the Clerk's office.
- EMERGENCIES. For true emergency matters, attorneys may contact 313-224-8796 and an emergency judge will be notified. Please provide the case number, assigned judge (civil or business) and nature of the emergency dispute.
March 23, 2020
Hon. Timothy M. Kenny
Chief Judge
Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan
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