
Parent Complaints

Parent Complaints (Incorrigibility) and Status Offender Law

Michigan Public Act 72 of 1987 was passed and signed into law with an effective date of September 1, 1987.  PA 72 prohibits police from placing a status offender in locked facilities in most cases, but does not prohibit police from taking a status offender into custody.  Locked detention of a status offender in an adult jail, police station, or lock up is only permitted IF the juvenile is already under jurisdiction of the Court for an offense which, if committed as an adult, would be a felony.

Based upon the law, the following services will be provided when an individual files a Parent Complaint:

  1. An assessment to determine what services will meet the family’s needs. A report with recommendations will be completed.
  2. Referral to the appropriate Community Resource, i.e., counseling, mentorship, shelters, boot camps, boarding & military schools, Job Corp, etc.


  • Parent complaints are addressed via appointment through the Juvenile Court’s Intake Department
  • To schedule an appointment contact 313-833-1598 or 313-833-1599
  • Location: 1025 E. Forest Ave Bldg B 348, Detroit, MI 48207